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Open Today: 10 am to 8 pm

Patron Behaviour Policy

The Monongahela Area Library is committed to being a welcoming place for all.

We Love the Library

To achieve that, all patrons must always remember to extend courtesy to their fellow visitors and library staff.

That behavior includes:

  • using lowered speaking voices
  • talking to others in a civil manner
  • not engaging in arguments
  • watching your children
  • no running or rough housing
  • no leaving toys or other items on the floor someone could trip over
  • no talking on your mobile device indoors
  • viewing appropriate content on all computers
  • no sleeping
  • no smoking or vaping indoors
  • cleaning up after yourself, including in the bathroom
  • wearing a top, bottom, and shoes at all times.

If these requests are violated:

  • A patron will receive a polite request from the staff to comply. 
  • If that request is unmet, a patron will be asked to leave the library property for the day. 
  • If a reoccurring pattern of behavior occurs with a patron(s), the library director reserves the right to ban the patron(s) from the library for a set amount of time, including indefinitely. 
  • Patrons may present their case to the library board with the director and any witnesses to the incident in attendance.

Thank you for your efforts to comply with the above.

Monongahela Area Library Code of Conduct docx